Blame the victim (and evil feminists)
Naomi Schaefer Riley has some sound advice for all you females out there: You should use a little common sense before you go out and get yourself raped. She concedes that it's probably not your fault that you're so stupid and loose--"feminism may be partly to blame." Yes, it's that evil, evil feminism with their evil feminist purveyors spreading their filth (and your legs) all over this world. In light of the horrific and high-profile rape case of NYC graduate student Imette St. Guillen, Riley's opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal offers some sound advice to young women: People who need to be told to use their common sense probably didn't have much to begin with.and even more helpful: Be wary of drunken house parties.Oh thank you Ms. Riley for your ever eloquent way of making rape victims everywhere see the light and feel just a little more shitty about what's happened. Your insight--as far from reality as it may be--is the ideal for which we should all strive. |