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27 April 2006

Blame the victim (and evil feminists)

Naomi Schaefer Riley has some sound advice for all you females out there: You should use a little common sense before you go out and get yourself raped. She concedes that it's probably not your fault that you're so stupid and loose--"feminism may be partly to blame." Yes, it's that evil, evil feminism with their evil feminist purveyors spreading their filth (and your legs) all over this world.

In light of the horrific and high-profile rape case of NYC graduate student Imette St. Guillen, Riley's opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal offers some sound advice to young women:
People who need to be told to use their common sense probably didn't have much to begin with.
and even more helpful:
Be wary of drunken house parties.
Oh thank you Ms. Riley for your ever eloquent way of making rape victims everywhere see the light and feel just a little more shitty about what's happened. Your insight--as far from reality as it may be--is the ideal for which we should all strive.

Grannies for peace

18 grannies gathered in a courtroom yesterday to take the stand in their own defense. On trial for obstucting the entrance to an Army recruiting office near Times Square in New York, Grannies for Peace are hoping for much more than a place to rest.
To the prosecution, this is a case of disorderly conduct. To the defendants, it is a test of the constitutional right to free speech, and the morality of war.
I think these grannies are super-subversive (aside from the obvious) because they're challenging notions about who and what a peace activist is and are also complicating the way the judicial system sees protestors.
Judge Ross has frequently looked mortified, squirming in his seat as if wondering how in the world he, of all judges, had the bad luck to be chosen to rule on the grannies' fate.

Like the unfortunate Judge Harper in "Miracle on 34th Street," Judge Ross clearly recognizes that ruling against grandmothers — like ruling against Kris Kringle — could be political suicide, or at the very least make him a villain to grandchildren everywhere.
I mean, who wants to put grannies in jail? These bitches rock and I only wish my granny were here to take part.

11 April 2006

I want to be friends with this guy...

Because we all are
victims of terrorism--U.S. terrorism.

10 April 2006

Pro Life Nation

Must read article by Jack Hitt in NYTimes Sunday Magazine:
What happens when you completely criminalize abortion? Over the last eight years, El Salvador has found out.
Without the tireless efforts of pro-choice advocates, this could be an eerie forshadowing of future U.S. policy.

Immigration gets media coverage. Peace and choice don't.

The recent immigration marches--of which I'm a supporter--have gotten a lot of media coverage including front page aerial photos of the various marches. While I'm all for the media covering this issue in such a frontal way, the photos and coverage begs the question of why some political demonstrations get this kind of play while others (and often larger) don't.

Let me be more clear:

April 9 Dallas Immigration March featured on front page of Dallas Morning News and New York Times. Approx. 700,000 people.

April 25, 2004: Over 1 million people march in Washington for reproductive rights. Very little media coverage and carried on the top front page of Washington Post only. To find this image anywhere else, you had to turn pages, check out blogs, or take our word for it.

I think it speaks volumes that I couldn't even find aerial shots for many of the February 2004 peace marches that took place all over the world. This speaks to larger problems of the power of media and their role in either promoting or stunting political movements. I guess this is reason #1 for us to continue our takeover of the media. Will our work ever be done?

Rice plays on

I think Condi is resorting to some pretty high-brow mating techniques to attract more of Jack Straw's attention. Perhaps someone needs to sign this bitch up for eharmony.

07 April 2006

Bad week for the US

Big surprise: Bush is the leaker!

Not so big surprise: U.S. won't be part of the new UN Human Rights Council. Why? Well aside from the fact that the U.S. doesn't have the best human rights record, they say they don't want to join and will think about membership for next year. It's more likely that they didn't want to go through the inevitable rejection process given they were the sole opponents of the Council.

Do I sense some sea changes?

06 April 2006

Carolyn Maloney hosts town-hall meeting of morons

Having received a rather personal--and by personal, I mean my boss was mailed a formal letter--invite to a town-hall meeting hosted by Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), I feel obliged to attend. However, my inclination to occupy my usually carefully guarded lunch hour with an hour and a half of politicalese and bad Q&A was prompted not by flattery, but rather annoyance.

You see, the meeting will cover the war in Iraq and Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) is the guest of honor. While I'm sure Mr. Murtha is a fine fellow, I've got a bone to pick with some of his logic. This from the invite letter:
When asked why he (John Murtha), a highly decorated veteran who served 37 years in the Marine Corps, was introducing a resolution calling for American troops to leave Iraq as soon as practicable, Murtha spelled out his position: ....our forces have accomplished an important mission. They have deposed an evil dictator and defeated his army. ...
Ummm...correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the insurgency sort of fucking taking over Iraq as we speak? Isn't the "army"--whose actual existence is highly contestable anyway--successfully engaging a nearly all-out civil war in Iraq? ARE THESE FUCKING PEOPLE DEAF? BLIND? No, it's obviously just stupidity halting them from seeing and understanding the obvious.

I look forward to attending, eating free food (there better be some snacks) and asking some questions. I'll let you know how it goes...