Immigration gets media coverage. Peace and choice don't.
The recent immigration marches--of which I'm a supporter--have gotten a lot of media coverage including front page aerial photos of the various marches. While I'm all for the media covering this issue in such a frontal way, the photos and coverage begs the question of why some political demonstrations get this kind of play while others (and often larger) don't. Let me be more clear: April 9 Dallas Immigration March featured on front page of Dallas Morning News and New York Times. Approx. 700,000 people. April 25, 2004: Over 1 million people march in Washington for reproductive rights. Very little media coverage and carried on the top front page of Washington Post only. To find this image anywhere else, you had to turn pages, check out blogs, or take our word for it. I think it speaks volumes that I couldn't even find aerial shots for many of the February 2004 peace marches that took place all over the world. This speaks to larger problems of the power of media and their role in either promoting or stunting political movements. I guess this is reason #1 for us to continue our takeover of the media. Will our work ever be done? |
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