UN to US: Shut down Guantanamo
Check out the UN report that debuted today which called for the closure of the U.S. Guantanamo torture camp. Written by five human rights experts and based on interviews with Guantanamo detainees, the UN report clearly outlines the grim, frightening, and illegal nature of the U.S. prison. The report ultimately recommends the swift and complete closure of the prison, which currently holds approximately 490 detainees. OF COURSE, the U.S. claims that the report is riddled with errors and has steadfastly rejected the recommendation to close the prison. In one sweepingly ignorant rebuttal, Kevin Moley, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Geneva offices, claimed the report was, "largely without merit and not based clearly on facts." Right, I guess he hasn't read the testimonies or seen the newest round of photos. |
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