Haribu!! (hello in Swahili). Yesterday was a total sham in the press room. I was in the middle of this brilliant post about something or other when every light, monitor, and computer went kaput. The power had completely crashed and the collective "f*ck" from journalists could be heard from afar. I just had to leave the building.
But today is a new day and I've brought the voltage converter so my laptop is plugged in, my photos are uploaded and ma videos will be available shortly. Yay.
It's day two of the Forum and I've just managed to get my hands on a printed programme. And yet, I find myself sitting here in the media room, away from the chaos of the tents and pavillions. Events like the Social Forum remain a space of high manic activity at the risk of low productivity. My hope, though, is to re-acquaint myself with a global movement of activists, particularly young people, who are committed to causes in which I very much believe. To remind myself that there is more than New York City, more than the United Nations (and its reform), more than U.S. feminism.
There are so many issues and identities represented here, but with one simple understanding: another world is possible. Un otro mundo es posible. Un autre monde est possible. Dunia mbadala yawezekana. The WSF is meant to be a meeting place for those who envision this alternative world and to share their ideas about what that would look like. Through dance, theory, direct action, theatre, policy making, music and talking these activists are gathered to bring their experiences and perspectives to others.
To that end, the Social Forum is doing just that and I'd like to report that I'm learning a lot and making loads of new friends, allies, and future comrades.
Labels: nairobi, world social forum |