Who would you rather ...
. . . sexually assualt? On Tuesday, that question was posed to a slew of Chinese radio listeners. In an internet survey, a popular Hong Kong radio station asked its listeners to choose an actress they would most like to sexually assault. Luckily, this egregious and highly threatening gimmick didn't go unchallenged for long: The Commercial Radio poll drew widespread criticism last week, with teachers, legislators and ordinary citizens slamming it for advocating violence against women and for corrupting youth.And although the hosts have publicly apologized, the fact that they felt comfortable putting the question out there in the first place is highly indicative of a culture and a world that still sees violence against women as acceptable and even funny. Who would you rather rape: your wife's best friend or your daughter's? Which black actor would you most like to see lynched? Similar and unasked questions aren't funny, so why is this shit? And they say we've come so far, that feminism's dead. |
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